What Really Pairs Well With IPAs?

Last night with dinner I had an IPA…an Aooni from Yoho to be more precise. We had some simple dishes that went well with the beer (braised pork and daikon, miso soup with somen, and a harusame salad) nothing really stood out. So what really pairs well with and IPA?

For many craft beer enthusiasts, IPAs (India Pale Ales) are the ultimate in beer pairing. With their bold, hoppy flavors and bitter finish, IPAs can complement a wide range of foods, from spicy curries to grilled meats. If you’re looking for some inspiration on what to pair with your favorite IPA, here are a few ideas to get you started.

  1. Spicy Foods

IPAs are known for their bitter, hoppy flavors, which can help cut through the heat of spicy foods. Whether you’re eating a plate of buffalo wings or a fiery Thai curry, an IPA can help balance the heat and provide a refreshing counterpoint to the spice.

  1. Grilled Meats

IPAs also pair well with grilled meats, such as burgers, sausages, and steaks. The bold, hoppy flavors of an IPA can complement the smoky, savory flavors of grilled meats, while the carbonation can help cleanse your palate between bites.

  1. Mexican Cuisine

Mexican cuisine is a great match for IPAs, thanks to its distinctive flavors and use of spicy chiles. Whether you’re enjoying a plate of nachos or a burrito, an IPA can enhance the flavors of the dish while balancing out the heat.

  1. Cheese

IPAs are a great pairing for cheese, especially strong, sharp cheeses like cheddar or blue cheese. The bitterness of the beer cuts through the richness of the cheese, while the carbonation can cleanse your palate between bites.

  1. Pizza

Pizza is another great pairing for IPAs, especially if you’re a fan of meaty, spicy toppings like pepperoni or sausage. The bitterness of the beer can balance the richness of the cheese and toppings, while the carbonation cuts through the greasiness of the pizza.

  1. Fried Foods

IPAs also pair well with fried foods, such as chicken wings or onion rings. The bitterness of the beer cuts through the richness of the fried food, while the carbonation cleanses your palate between bites.

  1. Seafood

While IPAs may not be the first beer that comes to mind when you think of seafood, they can actually be a great pairing for certain dishes. For example, a spicy IPA pairs well with shrimp tacos or grilled fish, while a more citrusy IPA can complement the flavors of a seafood ceviche.

  1. Barbecue

Barbecue is another great pairing for IPAs, especially if you’re a fan of bold, smoky flavors. Whether you’re eating pulled pork or smoked brisket, an IPA enhances the flavors of the meat while balancing out the sweetness of the barbecue sauce.

  1. Curry

Curry dishes are a great match for IPAs, thanks to their bold, spicy flavors. Whether you’re eating a chicken tikka masala or a vegetable curry, an IPA will balance out the heat and provide a refreshing counterpoint to the rich, creamy flavors of the dish.

  1. Salty Snacks

Finally, IPAs pair well with salty snacks, such as pretzels or potato chips—or here in Japan, rice crackers. The bitterness of the beer can balance the saltiness of the snack, while the carbonation can help cleanse your palate between bites.

In conclusion, IPAs are a versatile beer that pair well with a wide range of foods, from spicy curries to grilled meats. When pairing an IPA with food, look for dishes with bold, strong flavors that can stand up to the bitterness of the beer. And don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations to find your perfect pairing. Maybe even ice cream if you are so bold!

2 thoughts on “What Really Pairs Well With IPAs?

  1. Great article! You do have to be more specific about the IPA styles for the pairings you recommend – there as so many kinds. As far as my experience goes for #1 recommended pairing, the bitterness (in case of West Coast IPA) accentuates the capsaicin heat. What would balance the heat would be the biscuit and caramel like flavors and the body (residual sugars) in the malt profile of West Coast IPA. Hopefully my comment is helpful! Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, I should’ve been more specific. That may be a great topic for a future article! And thank you, it’s a very helpful comment.


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